A romp with the vamps, werewolves, and fae

Do not just a book by this cover.

I’ll enjoy a book if it has an interesting/likable protagonist, if the story is fascinating, or the writing is good. Paranormalcy, by Kiersten White has all three.

Despite the Harlequin/fantasy/unrequited-love-on-the-moors look of the cover, this book is a seriously funny romp. The writing is snappy and witty, the pacing is excellent, and the story is extremely creative and engaging.

Evie, a sixteen-year-old girl with no known last name, is a paranormal-ish normal person who has the ability to see through the ‘glamors’ of paranormal creatures such as vamps, hags, werewolves, fae, etc. She works for the International Paranormal Containment Agency ‘bagging and tagging’ paranormals with the help of her beloved ‘Tasey’ a pink and rhinestone-studded taser gun. Awesomeness is her middle name.

But she’s got problems. She’s got a seductive fairy with nefarious plans. She’s got a supervisor/’mother’ who shields her from the truth of her situation. She’s got a ‘double’ who is trying to bond/kill her. And there’s the love interest, Lend. The last fifth of the book or so, focused more on the love interest which slowed down the story somewhat. But for actually Young Adults reading the YA book, that shouldn’t be too much of an issue.

Paranormaclcy is an extremely witty and entertaining book, and although it is a first novel and newly published, it’s a New York Times bestseller. Definitely well-deserved.

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